Sunday, March 1, 2020

Hello 2020

Terbuka akaun gmail lama.
Membaca entri-entri lama.
Cerita 10 tahun yang lepas.
Bittersweet. Itu yang aku rasa kini.


Can I be honest? 
I feel like I want to die last year. 
Tapi aku takut sebab aku tahu aku tak ready, banyak dosa. Iman senipis kulit bawang itu menahan aku daripada buat benda-benda gila. Aku masih tahu dosa pahala. Syurga neraka.
But there was time I felt I want to slit my wrist. I kept looking at the blade I have kept on my drawer.
But I don't. I don't go that far. I just hit my head hard several times with a handphone at that moment and do smth to hurt myself ( I don't know what happened but I was so mad at something and feeling frustrated). I just cried my self out after that.
I want to completely disappear. 
Perasaan mahu hilang dan lenyap memang aku sentiasa rasa.
From everyone, from everything.

2019 was a rough year. Emotionally, Mentally.
I held the pain alone. Of course no one knows.
I have no one to turn too.
Even if I'm surrounded by people/family, it's so hard to explain to them what I've been thru.
So fucking hard. 

I don't know what it was,
The anxious feeling, the feeling like I am not worthy, I do not matter, I hated myself,
All the bad emotion surges up eating me slowly...
I was caught up in the darkest moments in my life.
It started in early 2019, but later in september 2019 until January 2020....
It was hell.

I am shutting my self down completely,
Locking myself in my room, only come out when everyone not around. Literally avoiding my family members. I'm sneaking out of my room for food and bring them to eat in my room.
I don't speak to anyone, don't reply friends message (I don't have that many friends, just casual friends),
My room is a whole mess (Ada 3 bakul baju tak lipat dan I just let them be until bulan 2 baru I lipat), and I don't feel like doing anything other thing. I just live and doing the bare minimum so that my fam members won't suspect me being unusual. 
I literally lied to avoid going to family gathering events. I'm a bad liar btw.
I'm always a homebody. But I avoided going out at that time. I stayed in my room when visitors come to our house. I want people to leave me alone.

Constantly tired. 
Always got headache.
sometimes sudden nausea and vomit (its not even food poisoning).
Irregular period time. Always got istihadah after period.
There were times my appetite gone, there were  times I want to pig out.
It's not all sad feeling and crying and mellow. 
There were times I cry my heart out before sleep. Sobbing and crying out silently while everyone was sleeping. Wake up next day and pretend everything is great.
Sometimes I have to force myself to cry or to feel any emotion.
There were times I don't feel anything. and it's the scariest feeling.

All I want to do is lie on my bed, browsing the net, watch korean variety show, movies, surf youtube all day err day. I just don't want to think about anything. It was my source of distraction.
sometimes aku tak mandi pun or paling  ok sekali sehari je.
I sleep late and wake up late. I often missed subuh prayer bcos I slept late. I am not a person that will miss solat. I performed my solat 5x per day before this but there were days I have to force myself to solat. And there were time I can't even concentrate on my solat. 
I wasn't being my normal self. I was living like a zombie. Just to get by. 
I abandoned my self and slowly letting go..

I am all alone.
It's like kau jatuh dalam lubang yang dalam dan kau tak mampu nak keluar daripadanya.
Ada ramai orang yang lalu lalang di tepian lubang itu.
But tak ada siapa yang nampak kau tengah minta tolong . Tak ada siapa yang mendengar.
Sebab suara kau tak keluar rupa-rupanya. Kau hanya meminta tolong tanpa suara.
It was all in your mind. 
Yang berada di atas tak nampak kau ada di dalam lubang dalam tersebut.

Kau jadi benci dengan semua orang yang berada di atas.
Kau rasa mereka tak pedulikan kau.
Tak sayangkan kau. benci pada kau.
I grow distant from them.
That was what it like how I felt.
And I was living in that deep hole all alone. Suffocated and isolated alone.
It was so hard.

I am well aware I have all the symptoms of depression. 
My overanalyze /overthinking self, did it for me. I am all aware about this things bcos I have a friend that been clinically diagnosed by doctor to have MDD (major depressive disorder)and BPD. I know a thing about this illness.
I did a test ( suddenly tak ingat nama dia apa but it's like saringan untuk mental health before ke klinik ). I did it and my score was extremly high on depression, anxiety, stress. This is not my firsti time buat ujian ini. I hold my courage and after countless time anxiously erasing and writing back the text  to her, I finally showed to my friend (diagnosed with MDD and BPD) and ask her opinion. She shocked and asked me what happened. She asked me to quickly go to the nearest KK and go for checkup and get referral letter from dr. to refer me to psychiatric.

I didnt go that quickly. I text her on sept/oct and went for  doctor on late november.
Aku ingat lagi I was all alone in my house. My fam went on holiday (I don't want to follow and prefer to stay at home in my room), I had a breakdown (now I cant remember what happened). I muster my courage to do it once and for all. Susah wei.. nak admit kau perlukan bantuan. nak yakinkan diri kau sebenarnya ada problem. susah. but aku fikir masa tu, nak sihat ke tak? ke kau nak jadi lebih teruk dulu baru nak admit kau ada problem.

Aku nekad pergi dalam keadaan diri yang malas. Malas untuk buat apa-apa. Malas nak hidup. Aku capai tshirt yang proper mana yaang ada dan jeans serta tudung yang tak bergosok pun.  Lap air mata. Put on lip balm and sunscreen. Look at a mirror and try to fake a smile. Berjaya. At least aku nampak macam manusia sekarang. Aku start enjin kereta yang dah lama aku tak start..lama tak keluar rumah. Aku ke klinik swasta. 

Aku park kereta depan klinik. Aku duduk dalam kereta hampir satu jam. Aku masih berperang dengan diri. Masuk atau tak ke kilnik. Hampir satu jam, aku beranikan diri masuk ke klinik. Beri nama pada nurse di kaunter. Dan menunggu namaku dipanggil.

I met the dr. I said I want to get a referral letter to go to physiatric and want to show him my saringan result. He refused. He want to hear directly from me why? What happened..

Aku ingat lagi soalan dia. 
"Apa yang awak rasa?" "Bagitahu saya apa yang awak rasa?"
And..upon hearing that question.
I choked up. Holding my tears (I was fine before and don't think I will cry before meeting him).
And I cried...buckets..I never imagine to cry in front of complete strangers. I always cry alone and hated to cry in front of people.
He patiently waiting for me to finished crying and calmed down before asking me to get the tissue. And while wiping my tears I started to open my mouths. While listening and asking series of question, he began to key-in the info I gave in the desktop. He then gave me a refferel letter.

and guess what...
I have not yet go to the physiatric.
Until this day..

I still kept the letter (I have not read it bcos he sealed the letter).
I am still afraid...I want to go but I am afraid..

Finally in feb 2020, I get better..slowly..I opened up, I made plans, I clean up my messy room (I cried when cleaning up my room as there were thick speck of dust on the furniture and everywhere, bunch of hair falls). It reminds me how much I've let my self go...I slowly fold and arrange my clothes back in my messy wardrobe and finally organize them. I get rid of old clothes. I change my room layout. I started to decorate and get new things for my room. I am still in the process of making it as I've planned. Now, I feel like I want to live. But in between this times, there were days (week) I felt down for no reason( i dont know the trigger)...and tonight I am reminiscing (after reading old blogpost) how I have spent my years all this while and felt crappy week I'm going to be 31 years old. But..I don't feel like I have done anything particular. It feels like I am still stuck. In the past. And worried of the future. It's like when you drive a car, you press both accelerator and brake at the same time. I feel like I've always live life like that.

I shall stop now ( My head hurts now and my neck and shoulder ache all over).
I am just going to post this insidious side of me.
Welcome to my messy life.
It's not pretty at all.


  1. Assalamualaikum beb, lama aku fikir sebelum nak taip ni...taip padam taip padam. Jangan lari, jangan lari dari kehidupan, please dont give up with yourself and dont give up with this life. Keep breathing... with all these painful, numb feeling and crying.. aku percaya apa terjadi ada maksud disebaliknya. SubhanaAllah Dia sahaja yang tahu. Dia bagi kita rasa, Dia uji kita, Dia bagi persoalan kat kita jadi jawapan dan penyelesaian ada padaNya. Cari Dia. Sudah tentu Dia Maha Kasih jadi Dia uji ikut kemampuan.

    Aku nak cakap lebih2 pun aku pun masih dalam kejahilan masih mencari jawapan dengan dugaan kehidupan aku sekarang ni. Aku pun tahun lepas sekali lagi minta nyawa diputuskan sahaja. Aku mempertikaikan Dia. Besar dosa aku. Aku jatuh teruk...sekarang aku belajar cari Dia.. masih dalam proses berdamai dengan aturan ini semua..hari2 aku pujuk rayu padaNya ampunilah aku.

    Aku berdoa agar Allah hilangkan segala ketidak enakan rasa dalam jiwa kau dan digantikan dengan sinar kebahagian ketenangan berpanjangan. aamin ya rabbal alamin. Jaga diri baik2 beb.

  2. waslam beb.

    Wah tak sangka kau masih ada dekat sini (blogsphere). Dan even take time to leave a message. Kau yang paling setia komen dekat sini. Haha. Even kita tak pernah meet up selama berblogging. But yeah...maybe one fine day..

    Thank you so so much for your duas and encouragement. Thank you. Sayang kau even kita tak pernah jumpa. Aku pun doa agar kau sentiasa sihat dan bahagia.
    Aku randomly menulis di sini sebab I want to keep this as a memory/reference. If one day I need it. Lagipun no one knows me here, hence. I'm able to let go my feelings and such. Don't have to keep everything to myself.

    And syukur pada Allah, I'm getting much much better. Since early February until now. Last Ramadhan was an eye-opener. I really missed the serenity that I felt last Ramadhan. Though last month aku kena panic attack masa tgh solat (smth triggering happen).Daily workout really helps me to get my endorphins hormone level up. So hari-hari aku workout since April and it is one of my coping mechanisms and I enjoyed it surprisingly. Haha. Oh ya and journaling too. Journals aku dah hampir penuh even tak sampai 2021 lagi so I need a new journals.

    Thanks for dropping by btw. You take care too.
