Sunday, February 28, 2021


The C's that I super looveee


Why coffee?
Makes you feel good I suppose.. :)
Americano a.k.a kopi o or black coffee/ latte/cappuccino/caramel macchiato/ mocha bla bla bla. Radix pon boleh (my parents love radix ;). I am not a coffee  expert eventhough
I am prior a barista. I hate coffee tasting time. But I do know when people messing with my coffee!!!
Dah lama tak minum Nestle Mocha. Kopi paling murah dan convenient dan sedappp..
McD coffee is good too but not their frappe.
Nak frappucino best, it's Starbucks.
Coffee bean? Mehhh. Tak sedappp.

Why cinnamon?
Super duper aromatic. Good pair with sugar for donuts, pretzels and you can sprinkle it inside hot/cold milk. Yums. It's good for your health too..go google the benefits..

Why carrot?
Newfound love. Hihi. Good nibble now you can ditch your kerepek, pop corn, maruku and it contains less calorie and won't make you gained weight from constanly snacking..Rangup weh carrots me love it.


Ok lah bye.

Coffee & Cigarettes

Current mood, tak best.
Bukan nak salahkan Pms, even it's the time of the month.

Penah rasa 'tak best' tak bila tak dapat capai apa yang nak dicapai?
You don't get what you want because you are plain lazy to really work for it.

Somehow aku kena tampar muka kasi sedar and insaf sket.
Kena bezakan antara interested Vs commited.
It's two different thing.

Aku paling tak suka bila orang tanya, especially kawan mak pak.
'Eh ni ke anak you yang belajar kat ------. Dah keje?"
'Sekarang buat apa? Dah kerja?'
'Dulu belajar course apa?'

Ada banyak benda yang kita tak perlu nak terangkan pun dekat orang lain. Cukup dengan berkata ya atau tidak.

Aku tak kerja lagi bukannya aku pemalas nak cari kerja. Aku dah pernah involve 4 jenis kerja pun perlu ke cerita kat orang lain? Plan hidup aku takkan lah aku nak pung pang citer satu kampung.

Entah la, aku sensitif gila pasal isu 'kerja'. Nampak sangat macam loser kan bila orang tanya, 'dah keje ke belum?'.

Then kena jawab 'belum'.

The fact is, diorang tak tau pun yang aku ni tengah amik another diploma and working part time at Starbucks (kononnya nak bayar ptptn) walaupun aku dah ada degree. Then now, I've to quit both because I'm going to migrate to another continent.

Takkan aku nak terangkan semua ni to every people I meet.

So yeah, life sometimes sucks and you have to deal with it. Kita plan, but tuhan yang tentukan akhirnya.

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