Saturday, April 14, 2012

A husband is so hard to find

"Ada boyfriend?"

"Tak." dengan tulus ikhlas aku jawab. Haha.

"Tipu.." dia tak percaya. Semua pun tak percaya.

"Tak percaya sudah."

Errrrghh. Wajib ke ada boyfriend? Hidup tak boleh jalan ke kalau tak ada boyfriend?

Kenapa ni semua orang tanya??? Stress!

Aku taknak boyfriend, aku nak suami. Boleh tak tolong cari kan? Gila.


Lelaki yang 'tidak menakutkan' macam dah pupus. Endangered species. Nearly extinct.

Speaking of that, aku tak ingat the exact day and time, but it was last week. On the way balik kerja, nak dekat 12 am. Drive sorang2. Bukak tu menangis time bawak kereta. Aku tak tahu apa yang sedihnya, but the fact that I cried over a song sangat lah pathetic. It was not really because a particular song, but entahlah.

Lonely could be the best word to describe how I felt at that particular time.

Sunyi dalam riuh.

Being busy is the best cure I guess.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


lidah said...

Aha sama laaa. Dlm journey mencari isteri. Celettss

Hannah Haykhall said...

Itulah, dalam usaha mencari lah ni. Celettss jugak..haha.