Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's okay

Mungkin bukan aku yang 'someone' tu.
So it's fine.
It's okay then.
It's okay......
Walaupun aku tak rasa okay sangat.

It's just so complicated i can't even describe how we've come so far.
You'd realize if you can read those signs, cues and all.
Dah penat main hide and seek.
Dah penat tipu perasaan sendiri.
Dah penat harap dia faham.
Dah penat.
So, aku rasa aku perlu spend time untuk diri sendiri.
Untuk tak expect apa-apa.
Untuk terima semua seadanya.

I'll keep my distance.

Nak berehat selama 40 hari dari blog, internet dan semuanya.
We'll see how it goes.

Nice knowing you btw. You.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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