Bunyi mercun meletup-letup kedengaran dengan begitu jelasnya daripada luar bilik.
Dalam hati cakap "It's a new year, new day. Now.."
Tengok jam tepi desktop, 11:56pm. Check jam hp, 11:56pm.
Pfftttt? Asal diorang main mercun awal 4 minit. Ke jam aku yang salah?
Lantak. Malas nak fikir. Whatever la.
Sambung buat kerja
Tiba2 bunyik mercun yang super kuat from previous 4 minutes. Lah, diorang baru warming up kot tadi. Now, it's really 12am. Err, I hate fire-crackers and what not. Apatah lagi bunyi guruh berdentum. Scary doe. Dan aku juga tak faham kenapa orang suka main mercun.Especially time hari raya or any festive season. Haha. Nasib tak gugur jantung aku.
It's just a day. Cuma tahun yang bertukar. Tetap ada 24 jam dalam sehari. 86 000 saat sehari. Nothing much change.
January 1st, 2012. Hye you.
My random conversation with mama last friday. She's checking me out to ask if evrything is okay, since Samarahan been struck by massive flood. Lah, kalau mama tak call aku pun tak tahu yang Samarahan kena banjir. LOL.
"Mama, along rasa nak sambung master lah lepas ni. Gastronomy, Uitm. By coursework."
"Ha, okaylah tu. Tak kisahlah apa-apa pun." mama memanjang 'tak kisah'. Asalkan aku bahagia. Love you mummy.
"Baguslah tu. What..astronomy??" ayah yang tengah drive sebelah mama tiba-tiba mencelah. Aku tahu, sure dia manusia yang paling excited. Haha.Oh,daddy.
"Okay, nanti balik rumah cerita"
Err, memang sangat impulsive pi bagi tahu terus. Grrr, what if suddenly I change my mind. Err, mind you, I have the tendency to be impulsive. At times. Sebab aku tahu, dua-dua pihak akan bahagia dengan keputusan ni. It's them and me. Win-win situation.
Lol. Takkan lah aku nak amik astronomy. Haha. Faham tak betapa aku tak dapat nak 'hide' my newfound path. Padahal baru ter'minat' or ter'jumpa' a new path/options. Seriously, memikirkan tentang perancangan masa depan memang best. But the execution is a bit tricky.
A dream is just a dream, unless you've set a fixed dateline to get to your dream.
In case aku terbuka this entry next year *January 1st, 2013* aku harap semua senarai di bawah di bawah sudah pun tercapai. At least 80% of them..ehehe..
#Sejak September 2011 sampai sekarang, aku tak usik langsung McD. Haha. I mean, dah tak makan those burger +overly salted fries. Motif? Try to eat less processed food. Lalalala. Tapi maggie makan pulak kan? Sardin dalam tin? Erkkk..terpaksa.Makanan ruji untuk pelajar yang harus berjimat cermat. But I promise myself to eat 80% un-processed food after this.Maksudnya, kena rajin memasak lepas ni.
#Be more cheerful. Be A cheerful person instead. Seriously. Smile like a mad person. Huahuahua..
#Persuade ayah to make an appoinment with dentist for a braces. Duhh, tak kisahlah nampak macam geek pakai those pendakap gigi but I really need one.Teehee.....But, percayalah aku berjaya menjaga gigi sampai sekarang tak pernah kena tampal satu pun. Hahahaha..bagus tak bagus tak? Adik2 aku semua gigi dah bertampal di kala usia yang amat muda. *Berlagak doe*
#Bonding with so many long lost friend. Sobs...sedih. Kena buat reunion la lepas ni. Dan ya, I've to be extra friendly and bubbly. Be a good friend instead. Kawan sekolah rendah (ada 5 sekolah berlainan), sekolah menengah (3 sekolah berlainan), kawan matrix + kawan uni...Oh god, rindunya. Aku tahu aku agak kejam dengan meng'abandoned' kan mereka. Tulah, siapa suruh deactivate fb kan..Tskk..
#Bangun pagi-pagi, drive , jogging. Petang pon sama. Tak kisah lah dekat kompleks belia ke or lake garden ke but I need to practice for my first run. Aku aim Putrajaya Night Run 2012. Maybe bukan full or half marathon for a start. But I just need one. Tolong sepak aku kalau aku tak practice (pesanan kepada adinda terchenta). Tolong ingatkan aku!!!!!! I need this.. :D
#Owh yeah. Have a nice vison board. Seriously need one to motivate me and to keep me on track. A planner or one nice journal book juga perlu ada.
#Take a pic and print it out. Kena ada 'picture book'. Ambik banyak gambar, tapi tak pernah nak make an effort to 'cuci' those gambar. Sigh.
#Join Original Bootcamp Malaysia. One fine day. Wajib. But as for now, kena kumpul duit maa..Juga aku adalah sedikit takut..huahuahua..tapi macam fun. errr, conflict sungguh. Takpe, tunggu dah settle down and maybe masa duduk shah alam nanti, i'll be joining them.
#Commited + Well planned and organize +enthusiastic + positive + a bit crazy *lol* + Cheerful + loving person ever!!
#Live up to my own values. And yes, dapatkan semula buku Anthony Robins, Awaken The Giant Within. Selama ni pinjam library punya sahaja.
#Find a way to get money bebeh. Harus mencari side income. I need money. Lol. Materialistiknya bunyi. Haha. But yes, I need to find one. Be less dependent to my dad. I knew he'll always spoon feed me. Not good maa..
Dah, cukuplah itu sahaja. Yes. That's it. May all the force be with you --Ms.HannahHaykhall.
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